Figure 3.
Bioinformatics analyses of RyhB in S. oneidensis. (A) Muscle multiple sequence alignment [39]showing homology of the identified region of the S. oneidensis genome with the "core" region of ryhB from E. coli and V. cholerae. Genome coordinates for the sequences are from NC_000913 (E. coli), NC_002505 (V. cholerae), and NC004347 (S. oneidensis). The sequence shown in green is predicted to base pair with the E. coli SodB mRNA. The Hfq binding site is shown in red. (B) Muscle multiple sequence alignment of putative ryhB sequences from eleven species of Shewanella. The box indicates the conserved Fur binding site, the red stars are the start and end positions of the putative promoter, the bent arrow indicates the transcription start site for S. oneidensis, and the region highlighted in yellow is the region of RyhB shown in (A).