Table 1.
Cost Category1 | Source Details | Units of Resources | Time Frame |
1. Inpatient encounters | Administrative data | # of hospitalizations length-of-stay |
Provided by fiscal year Referenced to time zero |
2. Outpatient encounters | Administrative data | # encounters # procedures |
Provided by fiscal year Referenced to time zero |
3. Physician Fees | Administrative data | # encounters Provider specialty Service provided |
Provided by fiscal year Referenced to time zero |
4. Medications | Patient interview | Name Dosage, frequency & duration |
Bi-annual |
5. Weight Wise Clinic Visits | Administrative data and chart review | Personnel (nurses, dieticians, support staff) salaries Administrative and capital costs Supplies & equipment |
Provided by fiscal year Referenced to time zero |
6. Home Care & Long Term Care | Patient interview | Personnel (nurse, OT, PT, RT) salaries Disability aids (walker, bars, rails, etc.) Administrative and capital costs |
Bi-annual |
7. Transfer Payments | Patient interview | Unemployment insurance Disability benefits Assured Income for the Severely Handicapped (AISH) |
Bi-annual |
8. Employment status, absenteeism | Patient interview | Employment status in past year (# hours/week, # weeks) Absenteeism in past year (# days) Annual income (by quintile) |
Bi-annual |
9. Weight Loss Interventions | Patient interview | Weight loss program, meal replacements, physical trainer, exercise programs, alternative therapies, nutritional counselling, commercial program | Bi-annual |
10. Mobility and Medical | Patient interview | Mobility aids, home modification/renovations, rehabilitation, paid personal assistance (household activities and home productivity, driving) | Bi-annual |
11. Personal/Household Productivity | Patient interview as part of quality of life surveys | Capacity to perform household/domestic activities, personal care, and participate in leisure activities (Scalar) Paid/unpaid caregivers |
Bi-annual |
AHCIP = Alberta Health Care Insurance Plan. MACAR = Morbidity and Ambulatory Care Abstracting Record. DAD = Discharge Abstract Database. LOS = Length of stay. CIHI = Canadian Institute for Health Information. OT = occupational therapy. PT = physiotherapy. RT = respiratory therapy. SW = social worker.
1Health Care Payor perspective includes cost categories 1-6; Public Payor perspective includes cost categories 1-7 and Societal Payor perspective includes all costs.