Figure 5.
DSS-induced regeneration accelerated polyp development in Sav1-deficient colons in a Yap-dependent manner. (A) Distal colon of 12-wk-old wild-type, Sav1, Yap, or Sav1 Yap double-mutant mice treated with 2.5% DSS for 4 d, followed by normal drinking water for 3 mo. Note the presence of multiple large colonic polyps in the Sav1-deficient colon (arrows). (B) H&E staining of colonic sections from animals in A. The top and bottom panels show the corresponding low- and high-magnification images, respectively. Note the presence of serrated crypt epithelium in Sav1-deficient polyps (asterisk). (C) Ki67 staining of colon sections from control and Sav1-deficient littermates. Note the presence of scattered Ki67-positive cells throughout the serrated crypt epithelium. (D) YAP staining of colon sections from control and Sav1-deficient littermates. Note the accumulation of nuclear YAP in Sav1-deficient colonic polyps (arrowheads). Bars, 100 μm.