Cerebral cortex cytoarchitecture is disrupted in CD mice. A) Increased cell number is observed by H&E staining in the white matter and cerebral cortex of P1 CD mice. At later ages, a decrease in compaction along with a disorganized cell distribution and vacuolation is observed adjacent to the white matter. Less distinction between the cerebral cortex and white matter areas is seen in CD mice. B) Zoom in (×2.5) of the outlined region on P1 demonstrates an increase of cells in CD mice. C) Cell count of total cell number showing an increase in CD mice at P1. Cell counting was performed in an area that spanned from the white matter to the deeper layers of the cerebral cortex. Graph represents the mean±SEM of 3 independent animals/group. (*P<0.05, one-way ANOVA followed by Student’s t test). Scale bar=50 um, all the images shown in the different panels were acquired at the same magnification. Abbreviations: CX, cerebral cortex; WM, white matter; V, ventricle.