Figure 3.
Effects of daily flunitrazepam treatment on response rates during the first 8 days of treatment. Rates, expressed as a percentage of control, were obtained during the first cycle of 9 consecutive sessions. The leftmost data point (point above -1) was obtained on the day before chronic treatment began and the other data points were obtained during the first 8 days of treatment with 1 mg/kg of flunitrazepam administered 1 hr before sessions. On day 7, a flunitrazepam dose-effect curve was determined on subsequent cycles. A computer malfunction resulted in the loss of data on day 2. Data from 8 rats are shown before chronic treatment, and on days 1, 3, 4 and 8 of daily flunitrazepam administration. One-way repeated measures ANOVA was followed by Tukey's test to determine which points were significantly different from rates obtained before chronic treatment (*, p<0.05). Data from 5 rats are shown for days 5 and 6 and data from 7 rats are shown on day 7; rats not included in these data points received a smaller treatment dose of flunitrazepam on those days. Abscissa: days of treatment with a single dose of 1 mg/kg of flunitrazepam. Ordinate: average response rates expressed as a percentage of control rates (± 1 SEM).