Overlays of ISH signals over the grayscale images of adjacent Cresyl Violet/Luxol Fast Blue stained sections at different levels of the intermediate and caudal regions of the human hypothalamus. (A) Premammillary level. (B) Level of the caudal end of the fornix. (C) Rostral mammillary level at the principal mammillary fasciculus. (D) Posterior level through the medial mammillary nucleus. Abbreviations: F, fornix; Ff, field of Forel; MM, medial mammillary nucleus; MP, peduncle; Mt, mammillothalamic tract; TMc, caudal tuberomammillary nucleus; TMl; lateral tuberomammillary nucleus; TMm, medial tuberomammillary nucleus; TMv, ventral tuberomammillary nucleus.