Plot of the experimentally determined TS binding free energies
(ΔGTSbind,obs) versus the
calculated TS binding free energies
(ΔGTSbind,calc) from separate PDLD/S-LRA
calculations of the triphosphate (using a dielectric constant of 40) and the
base part (at ε=2) of the dNTP-TS. The magnesium ions are
represented by the MD62+ (a), and the
Mg2+ (b) model, respectively. The nascent base pairs
for wild-type pol β are: (◆) A:T, (■) G:C,
(◊) A:C, (□) G:T; for the R149A mutant: (+) A:T,
(✳) G:C, (×) A:C; for R183A: (▲) A:T, (▼)
G:C, (△) A:C, (∇) G:T; and for K280A: (●) G:C,
(○) G:T.