Table 3.
The effect of TB on survival of field voles, as overall lesion positive (i.e. individuals that were positive for a cutaneous lesion at some point in their capture history (tb)), and a time-specific individual TB covariate (indtb)
(The base model was φ(st * dens)+prevrf+mo+yr+sx p mo+yr+rf+n +m+edge. The most parsimonious model is highlighted in bold.)
Model | Survival model | Recapture model | AICc | No. of parameters |
Deviance |
Base model | (st*dens)+prevrf+mo+yr+sx | mo+yr+rf+n+m +edge |
4767.62 | 39 | 4688.51 |
Investigating TB as an individual covariate |
+sx+tb |
+edge |
4742.76 | 40 | 4661.59 |
Investigating TB as a time-specific individual covariate |
+sx+indtb |
+edge |
4767.66 | 40 | 4686.49 |