Figure 3.
High [Ca2+]o promotes paired-pulse-depression of MPP fEPSPs under HP. (A) Single experiment shows the antagonistic effect of high (4 mM) [Ca2+]o on HP (10.1 MPa) paired-pulse modulation. At 10.1 MPa the initial phase of paired-pulse-depression (PPD) was attenuated, while the later paired-pulse-facilitation (PPF) was increased. Increased [Ca2+]o at HP partially restored the slope of E1, but increased PPD for short ISI and abolished the later phase of PPF for ISI 35–120 ms. (B) Comparison between PPM at 5.1 MPa (2 mM [Ca2+]o) and 10.1 MPa (4 mM [Ca2+]o). Note that E1 under these two conditions is almost equal; however PPD is much greater under the latter condition.