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. Author manuscript; available in PMC: 2011 Oct 1.
Published in final edited form as: J Am Diet Assoc. 2010 Oct;110(10):1511–1522.e3. doi: 10.1016/j.jada.2010.07.005

Table 2.

Weight Loss Maintenance Intervention Trials: An Evaluation Using RE-AIM Dimensions

Diet Only Interventions
Study Study Design Reach (R) Efficacy/Effectiveness (E) Adoption (A) Implementation (I) Maintenance (M)
Lantz, et al. 2003 (18) 18 mo RCT
2 groups (both groups followed a hypocaloric diet minus 500 kcal/day)
Intermittent (I):
consume VLCD (450kcal/day) for 2 weeks every third month
On-demand (OD):
consume VLCD when wt increases > 3kg from baseline
n= 334*
18–60 years old*
247 Female*
BMI >30 kg/m2 *
I lost 7.0kg; OD lost 9.1kg.
No significant differences between groups.
65% Attrition*
Participants were monitored by a physician, registered dietitian, and a nurse at various time points in a clinical setting Monthly meetings No data
Ryttig, et al. 1995 (28) 12 mo RCT
2 Groups:
Group 1 (G1):
hypocaloric diet (1600 kcal/day), of which 220 kcal were provided by a supplement
Group 2 (G2):
hypocaloric diet (1600 kcal/day), no supplement.
n= 52
39.1±5.5 years old*
41 Female
BMI 39.1±5.5 kg/m2 *
% wt gain in G1 was 9.3±9.4%: 8.0±8.2kg
% wt gain in G2 was 12.3±10.0%: 12.3±9.7kg
G1 regained 39± 35.7% of wt lost during weight loss trial compared to 54±38.5% in G2
22% Attrition
Effect size:
G1–G2: 0.49
Interventions and assessments were delivered by a nurse and dietitian in a university outpatient obesity clinic Both groups were seen for assessments every month for 7 months, then every 7th week during the remainder of the intervention. No data
Diet and Behavior Change Interventions
Study Study Design Reach Efficacy/Effectiveness Adoption Implementation Maintenance
Layman, et al. 2009 (19) 8 mo RCT
2 groups:
Low carbohydrate to protein ratio (LOW): 40% energy from carbohydrate, 30% from protein, 30% from fat
High carbohydrate to protein (HIGH):
55% of energy from carbohydrate, 15% from protein, 30% from fat
n= 103
45.4±(SE)1.2 years old*
72 Female*
BMI 32.6±(SE)0.8 kg/m2
Mean wt change(kg) from baseline:
Intent to Treat:
LOW: −9.3 ±(SE)1.0
HIGH: −7.4 ±(SE)0.6
LOW −10.4 ±(SE)1.2
HIGH −8.4 ±(SE)0.9
No difference between groups in mean wt change 31% Attrition
Effect size**:
LOW-HIGH: 0.31
Group meetings were led by a research dietitian at a weight management research facility.
Any unexcused absence was followed up by a phone call
Both groups were required to attend a 1 hour meeting each week.
The LOW group had a significantly greater number of participants (64%) complete compared to the HIGH group (45%).
Compliance with group meetings was >75%.
No data
Perri, et al. 1988 (24) 13 mo RCT: 5 groups:
Behavior Therapy (B): Control, no maintenance intervention
Treatment contact (BC): Therapist contacts with 80 min/wk of exercise recommended
BC plus social influence program (BCS): Therapist contacts plus program of social influence strategies
BC plus aerobic exercise maintenance program (BCA): Therapist contacts plus aerobic exercise program
BC plus aerobic plus social influence (BCAS): Therapist contacts plus aerobic exercise program plus social influence
n= 94
22–59 years old*
97 Female*
Wt regain over 13 months for each intervention:
B: 7.2kg
BC: 1.76kg
BCS: 2.91kg
BCA: 3.91kg
BCAS: 0.13kg
2% Attrition
Interventions were delivered by a clinical psychologist, physician, or a nurse practitioner BC, BCS, BCA, and BCAS received 26 biweekly therapist contacts Participants attended 66.8% of the 26 scheduled sessions No data
Ryttig, et al. 1997 (27) 26 mo RCT
3 Groups:
Group 1(A):
Hypocaloric diet (1600 kcal) with behavior control modification
Group 2(B):
Hypocaloric diet (1600 kcal) with behavior control modification with previous wt loss program of VLCD
Group 3(C): Hypocaloric diet (1600 kcal) with 239 kcal of a supplement
n= 77
41.6±10 years old*
BMI 37.7±4.8 kg/m2 *
Mean wt reduction after 26 months was 7%, 10%, and 9.5% in A, B, and C respectively.
Mean wt regain for the 3 groups:
(B): 13.3kg
(C): 13.5kg
No significant group differences
49% Attrition
Participants were seen by a nurse if problems arose; group sessions were led by a dietitian.
Assessments and groups sessions were held at a hospital obesity unit.
Four assessment contacts for all groups at months 2, 6, 14, and 26. No data
Physical Activity and Behavior Change Interventions
Study Study Design Reach Efficacy/Effectiveness Adoption Implementation Maintenance
Pasman, et al. 1999 (22) 12 mo non RCT
2 groups:
Endurance training (ET): swim, cycle, and run 3–4 per wk
Control (C): not involved in a training program
n= 15
37.3 ±5.2 years old
0 Female
BMI 30.9±2.8 kg/m2
Wt regain at 12 mo was 65% for the whole group (52% for ET and 74% for the C); no correlation between the training hours per week and the regain of body wt at 12 mo.
3 participants were unwilling to continue the training program, therefore they were moved to a control.
Weekly endurance training sessions (ET) were monitored by a professional coach at a triathlon club. ET: 3–4 weekly endurance exercise sessions for 1 hour. No data
Diet, Physical Activity, and Behavior Change Interventions
Study Study Design Reach Efficacy/Effectiveness Adoption Implementation Maintenance
Fogelholm, et al. 1999 (12) 6 mo RCT
3 groups:
Control(C): no increase in habitual walking
Walk 1 (W1):
targeted for 1000 kcal weekly expenditure
Walk 2 (W2):
targeted for 2000 kcal weekly expenditure
n= 80
29–46 years old *
80 Female*
BMI 34 kg/m2 *
Participation rate: 100%
(C) gained 1.7kg
(W1): lost 0.7kg
(W2): gained 0.2kg
6% Attrition
Effect size:
C-W1: 0.52
C-W2: 0.35
W1–W2: 0.19
Weekly walking sessions were supervised by an exercise instructor at a clinical institute All groups included 6 mo of weekly group meetings; W1 and W2 groups had weekly walking sessions No data
Harvey-Berino, et al. 2002 (13) 12 mo RCT
3 groups:
Internet support (IS): biweekly chat sessions, phone calls and emails sent on alternate weeks
In-person support (F-IPS): met in-person biweekly for 52 weeks; phone calls or emails sent on alternate weeks
Minimal in-person support (M-IPS): met in-person monthly for the first 6 mo, then no contact
n= 122*
48.4±9.6 years old*
104 Female*
BMI 32.2±4.5 kg/m2 *
IS gained significantly more wt that the F-IPS.
No difference between groups at 2-yrs
The F-IPS and M-IPS maintained a weight loss ≥ 5% (M-IPS: 81.3%, F-IPS: 81%, IS: 44.4%)
12% Attrition
Effect size:
IS-MIPS: 0.62
IS-FIPS: 0.78
Interventions were delivered by group therapist and peers IS had biweekly internet sessions, F-IPS had in-person biweekly sessions, and M-IPS met monthly for 1 hour during the first 6 months Attendance to treatment sessions were 59% for F-IPS and 39% for IS
Adherence to self-monitoring was 22% for F-IPS and 19% for IS
No data
Harvey-Berino, et al. 2004 (14) 12 mo RCT
3 groups
Internet support (IS): biweekly chat sessions, phone or emails sent on alternate weeks
Frequent in-person support (F-IPS): met in-person at an interactive television (ITV) studio biweekly for 52 weeks; phone calls or emails on alternate weeks
Minimal in-person support (M-IPS):
met in-person over ITV monthly for the first 6 mo, then no contact.
IS and F-IPS also participated in a social-influence program
n= 232
46.0±8.8 years old
194 Female
BMI 29.0±4.4 kg/m2
No differences in wt loss maintained (8.2% IS, 5.6% F-IPS, 6.0% M-IPS)
24% Attrition
Effect size**:
IS-MIPS: 0.37
IS-FIPS: 0.26
Interventions were delivered by MS-level dietitians over ITV; assessments completed in a clinical university setting IS had biweekly internet sessions and alternate week phone or email contact, F-IPS had in-person biweekly sessions and alternate week phone or email contact, and M-IPS met monthly for 1 hour during the first 6 months
Participants in the F-IPS attended significantly more group meetings compared to those in the IS group (10±5.1 vs. 7.7±5.3 meetings attended)
69% of participants provided data at all assessment points
No data
King, et al. 1989 (16) 12 mo RCT:
4 groups:
Group 1 (1A): telephone and mail contact, previous wt loss through diet only
Group 1 (1B): telephone and mail contact, previous wt loss through exercise only
Group2 (2A): no contact, previous wt loss through diet only
Group 2 (2B): no contact, previous wt loss through exercise only
n= 90
44.7±7.3 years old
0 Female
Mean wt changes:
1A: 3.2±2.9 kg
1B: 0.8±3.1 kg
2A: 2.6±2.8 kg
2B:3.9±2.8 kg
Greater weight maintenance in 1B compared to 1A, 2A, and 2B.
20% Attrition
Effect size:
1A–2A: 0.22
1A–1B: 0.82
1A–2B: 0.25
2A1B: 0.62
2A–2B: 0.48
1B–2B: 1.07
No data Group 1 received monthly mailings and phone calls lasting 5–10 minutes at months1, 2,3,6,9, and 12. No data
Kumanyika, et al. 2005(17) 8–18 mo RCT
3 Groups:
Group counseling (GC):
6-meetings biweekly then monthly
Staff-assisted, self—help (SH): given a self-directed resource kit, monthly calls, facilitator support
Clinic visits only (C): no intervention only semiannual clinic visit
n= 128
45.4±10.2 years old
116 Female
BMI 37.0±5.5 kg/m2
Weight regain from baseline to final visit:
GC: 0.02 (95% CI −1.7, 1.8)
SH: 1.1 (95% CI −0.3, 2.5)
C: −0.04 (95% CI −1.9,1.8)
32% Attrition
Counseling and intervention was delivered at a family practice department of a university health system by a nutrition, exercise, or behavior change specialist, of whom 45% were African American. Cost of the program was <$146 per person per year. GC had 6 biweekly meetings, then met monthly thereafter.
Average group session attendance for GC was 40% for the 6 biweekly sessions and 31% for the monthly sessions.
In SH, the facilitator completed 35–55% of monthly telephone calls.
No data
Leermakers, et al. 1999 (20) 6 mo RCT
2 groups:
Exercise-focused maintenance (EFM) program: designed to sustain the maintenance of physical activity
Wt-focused maintenance (WFM) program: sessions focused on maintenance of wt loss
n= 67
50.8±11.1 years old
54 Female
BMI 30.8±4.5 kg/m2
No differences between the 2 conditions in exercise participation and energy expenditure.
15% Attrition
Effect size:
EFM-WFM: 0.50
Groups were led by clinical psychology graduate students Both groups included 6 months of biweekly group counseling sessions. Participant attendance rates were 73.1% for EFM and 70.8% for WFM During the 18 month follow-up visit, participants in the WFM group had greater reductions in fat intake and better maintenance of wt loss.
28% Attrition
Effect size12–18 months:
EFM-WFM: 0.69
Effect size 6–18 month:
EFM-WFM: 0.86
Liebbrand and Fichter, 2002 (21) 18 mo RCT
2 groups:
Maintenance (M): supportive weight maintenance program by phone consultation
Control (C): no support
n= 109
37.1±10.8 years old
91 Female
BMI 44.8±8.7 kg/m2
From baseline-18 mo, BMI increased from 42.54±6.74 to 43±7.81 kg/m2 in the M group and decreased from 40.62±5.67 to 40.58±6.3 kg/m2 in the C group
21% attrition
Effect size:
M-C: 0.02
Interventions were delivered by a psychotherapist; assessments took place at a medical clinic M received eight 45-minute phone consultations for 9 mo and 4 consultations for the last 9 mo, then invited to a 2-day therapist guided booster session No data
Perri, et al. 2001 (58) 12 mo RCT:
3 groups:
Control (BT): no contact
Relapse Prevention therapy (RPT) (7): group sessions for relapse prevention
Problem Solving therapy(25): group sessions for problem solving
n= 80
46.6±8.9 years old*
80 Female*
BMI 35.8±4.5 kg/m2 *
Weight regain from baseline-12 mo:
BT: +5.39 kg
RPT: +2.56 kg
PST: −1.51 kg
28% Attrition
Effect size 5–11 month:
BT-RPT: 0.94
BT-PST: 1.22
RPT-PST: 0.29
Effect size 11–17 month:
BT-RPT: 0.32
BT-PST: 0.57
RPT-PST: 1.0
No data RPT and PST were scheduled for 6 biweekly sessions
Audiotape recordings were used to examine protocol delivery. In RPT, 100% of relapse prevention skills were observed and 0% of problem solving skills were observed. In PST, 100% of the problems solving skills were observed and 33% of the relapse prevention skills were observed.
Adherence to program goals decreased over time; this differed between BT and PST.
No data
Perri, et al. 2008 (23) 12 mo RCT
3 groups:
Group 1(A):
extended care, phone counseling sessions
Group1(B): extended care, face to face counseling sessions
Group 2 (C): education control group which received newsletters
n= 234
59.4±6.1 years old
234 Female
BMI 36.8±4.9 kg/m2
A and B regained less wt than Group C (1.2±(SE)0.7 kg and 1.2±(SE)0.6 kg vs. 3.7±(SE)0.7 kg, and had greater adherence to behavioral weight maintenance strategies.
6% Attrition Effect size:
A-B: 0.00
A–C: 0.42
B–C: 0.43
Participant contacts were led by Cooperative Extension Services (CES) agents with a BS or MS in nutrition, exercise physiology, or psychology; in rural CES offices.
Costs to program (per participant):
A: $192±21
B: $391±73
C: $116±19
Costs to participant:
A: $1933±1436
B: $2157±1449
C: $1708±1692
A and B received 26 biweekly counseling sessions, A received 15-20 min sessions and B received 60 min sessions. C received 26 biweekly mail newsletters. Sessions were based on Perri’s 5-stage problem solving model(25).
A and B’s mean number of sessions attended were 13.8±8.6 and 21.1±5.7, respectively.
No data
Riebe, et al. 2004 (26) 18 mo RCT
2 Groups:
Extended care group (EC): received additional personalized Transtheoretical. Model reports
Control (C): received generic materials about diet/exercise. Both groups received reports on anthropometrics, biochemical, and dietary intake
n= 144
50.2 ±9.2 years old
BMI 32.5±3.8 kg/m2
Mean wt change from baseline-24 mo:
EC: 87.6±15.9 kg to 90.5±16.9 kg
C: 84.1±14.1 kg to 86.9±15.4 kg
No significant differences in wt change between groups.
A registered dietitian reviewed food records.* Both groups received mailed reports at 6 and 18 mo, EC received mailed reports based on the Transtheoretical Model of Health Behavior Change at mo 3 and 9. Both groups were received a follow up assessment at 18 months. 32% Attrition
Svetkey et al. 2008 (11) 30 mo RCT
3 groups:
Personal contact (PC): monthly telephone and every 4th month face-to-face counseling
Interactive technology-based intervention: participants were encouraged to regularly log on to an interactive Web site
Self-directed (control)(25): minimal intervention
n= 1032
55.6±8.7 years old
654 Female
BMI 34.1±4.8 kg/m2
PC regained 4.0kg
ITI regained 5.2kg
SD regained 5.5kg
71% of study participants remained below entry weight
PC regained less wt as compared to SD.
No difference between PC and ITI
6.6% Attrition
Effect size:
SD-ITI: 0.05
SD-PC: 0.27
PC-ITI: 0.27
Clinical university setting 30 monthly contacts for PC group, duration of 5–15 min each, and every 4th month duration was 45–60 min. No data
Wing, et al. 1996 (29) Study 1:12 mo RCT
2 Groups:
Group 1 (G1):
telephone-assisted weight maintenance and access to a nutritionist for further counseling
Group 2 (G2): no-contact
n= 53
43.6± (SE)1.5 years old
53 Female
BMI 32.2±(SE)0.4 kg/m2
G1 had a wt gain of 3.9± (SE)1.1kg vs a wt gain of 5.6±(SE)1.0kg in G2
15% Attrition
Effect size:
G1–G2: 0.33
Phone calls were completed by a trained interviewer in a university clinic Participants were called every week for 15 min for the duration of the study; 80% of the calls were completed.
92% of participants were able to self report weight, 58% self reported food logs, and 62% self reported exercise logs.
No data
Wing, et al. 1996 (29) Study 2:12 mo RCT
Group 1 (G1):
could purchase food boxes during any 4 months of program
Group 2 (G12): no food provisions
n= 48
40.7± (SE)1.5 years old
48 Female
BMI 32.4±(SE)0.4 kg/m2
G1 had a wt gain of 4.2± (SE)1.0kg vs a wt gain of 4.3±(SE)1.1kg in G2
Only 12 participants ordered food provisions.
0% Attrition
Effect size:
G1–G2: 0.02
Participants were weighed and discussed problems with a therapist. Both groups were seen monthly for group sessions for the duration of the study. No data

Represents data from the weight loss phase. No data were provided for only the weight maintenance phase of the intervention.


Effect size calculated from the mean (± SD) of the change in weight (kg) from baseline of weight loss phase to post intervention of weight maintenance phase. No data was reported for weight change from baseline of weight maintenance phase to post intervention of weight maintenance phase.

Abbreviations: BMI, Body Mass Index; min, minute; mo, month; RCT, Randomized Control Trial; VLCD; very low calorie diet; wt, Weight.

Data are reported as mean ± SD unless otherwise indicated.