(A) JNK inhibitor II (50 μg/ml) was added to CX-1 cell cultures 1 h prior to exposing them to hyperthermic (42°C) conditions for 1 h in the presence of TRAIL (50 ng/ml) and then incubated for 1 h at 37°C in the presence of TRAIL. Immunoblotting assay was performed as described in Figure 3A. JNK inhibitor effectively inhibited the JNK-Bim signal and protected cells from apoptosis during treatment with hyperthermia in combination with TRAIL. (B, C, D, E, F) Densitometry analysis of the bands from the JNK-Bim signal pathway with/without JNK inhibitor for PARP (B), p-JNK (C), JNK (D), pBim/Bim (E), and actin (F) was performed.