Figure 2.
Cross-sectional structural equation model in which higher social support predicts higher exercise self-efficacy. Note. Gender was dichotomized such that 0 = men, 1 = women; ethnicity was dichotomized such that 0 = White, 1 = other; marital status was dichotomized such that 0 = single/widowed/divorced/separated, 1 = married; education was dichotomized such that 0 = some college or less, 1 = associate's degree or higher; annual income was dichotomized such that 0 = $20,000 or less, 1 = $20,001 or more; duration of osteoarthritis symptoms was dichotomized such that 0 = 2 years or less, 1 = more than 2 years; survey mode was dichotomized such that 0 = computer administration, 1 = paper-and-pencil administration.