Figure 20.
A pair of FD-OCT 2-dimensional images of the human retina taken without (left) and with (right) adaptive optics using the system described in ref. [100]. The left image used a 1.2 mm pupil and shows a relatively large lateral speckle size, while the right image used a 6.0 mm pupil size. For both, a 10 mW superluminescent diode was used, centered at 840 with a FWHM bandwidth of 50 nm. The adaptive optics system corrected ocular aberrations up to a wavefront RMS of approximately 50 nm and a Strehl ratio of 0.8 (diffraction limited). The smaller speckle size, as well as a higher resolution, allows visualization of finer features. Image provided by Drs. Barry Cense and Donald Miller, with the method described in [100].