Figure 4.
WDR62 expression in developing mouse brain and subcellular localization. (a) in situ hybridization of E14.5 mouse brain with antisense probe to mouse WDR62. Sense strand (not shown) showed no specific hybridization. (b) Higher power view. Strong WDR62 message is seen in the ventricular zone, subventricular zone, ventral portion of the intermediate zone, and ganglionic eminences, with some hybridization in the cortical plate as well. (c–h) Confocal microscopy demonstrating WDR62 subcellular localization. (c, d) endogenous WDR62 localization in interphase HeLa cells. (c) anti-WDR62 (green), also stained with anti γ-tubulin (red) and Hoechst for DNA (blue), showing perinuclear localization, surrounding but not overlapping the centrosome. (d) co-staining of interphase HeLa cells with anti-WDR62 and anti-GM130 shows localization of both to the Golgi apparatus near the Hoechst-positive nucleus. (e–g) WDR62 localization in HeLa and HEK cells during M phase. (e) Endogenous WDR62 localizes to the spindle poles in M phase HeLa cells, visualized by double labeling with γ-tubulin. (f) Co-staining with antisera to WDR62 and dynein in HEK cells shows WDR62 at the spindle poles and dynein throughout the spindle. (g) Transfection of C-terminal HA-tagged WDR62 in HEK cells confirms ring-like localization around the centrosome and overlaps with CEP170, another centrosomal protein. (h) Endogenous WDR62 immunoreactivity surrounds LIS1 but does not overlap fully.