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. 2010 Oct 19;9:63. doi: 10.1186/1476-069X-9-63

Table 3.

Commonly used pesticides by farmers in Beit-U'mmar village 1998 and 2006 and their WHO classification

Pesticides Generic name Trade name (s) Chemical Family WHO classificationa Use in 1998b Use in 2006b Remarksc
Insecticides Cyfluthrin Baythroid Pyrethroid II + +

Azinphosmethyl Cotnion* Organophosphate Ib + + Banned

Cypermethrin Cympush*, Sherpaz, Siperin Pyrethroid II + + Banned

Diazinon Dizictol Organophosphate II + -

Chlorpyriphos Dursban, Dorsan, Pyrinex Organophosphate II + +

Dichlorvos Divipan* Organophosphate Ib + + Banned

Parathion Folidol* Organophosphate Ia + - Banned

Lambda cyhalothrin Karate Pyrethroid II + -

Carbosulfan Marshall Carbamate II + +

Oxydemethon methyl Metasystox Organophosphate Ib + -

Dimethoate Rogor* Organophosphate II + + Banned

Fenpropathrin Smash Pyrethroid II + -

Methidathion Superacide Organophosphate Ib + -

Methamidophos Tamaron, Prodex Organophosphate Ib + +

Endosulfan Thionex Organochlorine II + -

Imidacloprid Gaucho, Confidor Neonicotinoid II + +

Malathion Malathion Organophosphate III + -

Methiocarb Mesurol Carbamate Ib + -

Maneb/manganese Manbegan Dithiocarbamate U + - Banned

Abamectin Vertimec Biopesticide + -

Propineb Antracol Dithiocarbamate U + +

DDT Gesarol Organochlorine II + - Banned

Lindane Gammacide Organochlorine II + - Banned

Sulphur compounds Sulphur Inorganic substance U + +

Methomyl Lannate Carbamate Ib + -

Fenithrothion Fenitex Organophosphate II + -

Fenvalerate Mustang Pyrethroid II + - Banned

Fungicides Triadmenol Bayfidan* Triazole III + + Banned

Benomyl Benlate Benzimidazole U + - Banned

Propamocarb HCL Dynone Carbamate U + -

Hexaconazole Anvil Triazole U + - Banned

Metalaxyl Ridomil Phenylamide III + -

Penconazole Ofir Triazole U + +

Myclobutanil Systhane Triazole III + -

Sulphur Gafebric Inorganic substance U + +

Fenarimol Rubigan Pyrimidine U + +

Propiconazole Tilit Triazole II + - Banned

Captan Merpan Phthalimide U + - Banned

Triforine Saparol Piperazine U + -

Zineb Zidan Dithiocarbamate U + - Banned

Fosetyl aluminium Aliette Organophosphate U + - Banned

Herbicides Glyphosate Roundup Phosphonoglycine U + -

2,4-D Albarsuper Alkylchlorophenoxy II + -

Paraquate Dukatalon, Katalon Bipyridylium II + -

Rodenticides Ametraz Taktic, Racumin Amidine III + -

Acaricides Propargite Omite Sulfite ester III + - Banned

Fumigant Methyl Bromide Methyl Bromide FM + +

a Ia, extremely hazardous; Ib, highly hazardous; II, moderately hazardous; III, slightly hazardous; U, unlikely to present acute hazard in normal use; FM, fumigant (WHO,2005)

b+ means yes in use, ―means not in use

cBanned according to references (18, 20) and reference 21 (Annex3, Rotterdam Convention on the Prior Informed Consent Procedure for Certain Hazardous Chemicals and Pesticides in International Trade, Rotterdam, 10 September 1998).