Table 3.
Commonly used pesticides by farmers in Beit-U'mmar village 1998 and 2006 and their WHO classification
Pesticides | Generic name | Trade name (s) | Chemical Family | WHO classificationa | Use in 1998b | Use in 2006b | Remarksc |
Insecticides | Cyfluthrin | Baythroid | Pyrethroid | II | + | + | |
Azinphosmethyl | Cotnion* | Organophosphate | Ib | + | + | Banned | |
Cypermethrin | Cympush*, Sherpaz, Siperin | Pyrethroid | II | + | + | Banned | |
Diazinon | Dizictol | Organophosphate | II | + | - | ||
Chlorpyriphos | Dursban, Dorsan, Pyrinex | Organophosphate | II | + | + | ||
Dichlorvos | Divipan* | Organophosphate | Ib | + | + | Banned | |
Parathion | Folidol* | Organophosphate | Ia | + | - | Banned | |
Lambda cyhalothrin | Karate | Pyrethroid | II | + | - | ||
Carbosulfan | Marshall | Carbamate | II | + | + | ||
Oxydemethon methyl | Metasystox | Organophosphate | Ib | + | - | ||
Dimethoate | Rogor* | Organophosphate | II | + | + | Banned | |
Fenpropathrin | Smash | Pyrethroid | II | + | - | ||
Methidathion | Superacide | Organophosphate | Ib | + | - | ||
Methamidophos | Tamaron, Prodex | Organophosphate | Ib | + | + | ||
Endosulfan | Thionex | Organochlorine | II | + | - | ||
Imidacloprid | Gaucho, Confidor | Neonicotinoid | II | + | + | ||
Malathion | Malathion | Organophosphate | III | + | - | ||
Methiocarb | Mesurol | Carbamate | Ib | + | - | ||
Maneb/manganese | Manbegan | Dithiocarbamate | U | + | - | Banned | |
Abamectin | Vertimec | Biopesticide | + | - | |||
Propineb | Antracol | Dithiocarbamate | U | + | + | ||
DDT | Gesarol | Organochlorine | II | + | - | Banned | |
Lindane | Gammacide | Organochlorine | II | + | - | Banned | |
Sulphur compounds | Sulphur | Inorganic substance | U | + | + | ||
Methomyl | Lannate | Carbamate | Ib | + | - | ||
Fenithrothion | Fenitex | Organophosphate | II | + | - | ||
Fenvalerate | Mustang | Pyrethroid | II | + | - | Banned | |
Fungicides | Triadmenol | Bayfidan* | Triazole | III | + | + | Banned |
Benomyl | Benlate | Benzimidazole | U | + | - | Banned | |
Propamocarb HCL | Dynone | Carbamate | U | + | - | ||
Hexaconazole | Anvil | Triazole | U | + | - | Banned | |
Metalaxyl | Ridomil | Phenylamide | III | + | - | ||
Penconazole | Ofir | Triazole | U | + | + | ||
Myclobutanil | Systhane | Triazole | III | + | - | ||
Sulphur | Gafebric | Inorganic substance | U | + | + | ||
Fenarimol | Rubigan | Pyrimidine | U | + | + | ||
Propiconazole | Tilit | Triazole | II | + | - | Banned | |
Captan | Merpan | Phthalimide | U | + | - | Banned | |
Triforine | Saparol | Piperazine | U | + | - | ||
Zineb | Zidan | Dithiocarbamate | U | + | - | Banned | |
Fosetyl aluminium | Aliette | Organophosphate | U | + | - | Banned | |
Herbicides | Glyphosate | Roundup | Phosphonoglycine | U | + | - | |
2,4-D | Albarsuper | Alkylchlorophenoxy | II | + | - | ||
Paraquate | Dukatalon, Katalon | Bipyridylium | II | + | - | ||
Rodenticides | Ametraz | Taktic, Racumin | Amidine | III | + | - | |
Acaricides | Propargite | Omite | Sulfite ester | III | + | - | Banned |
Fumigant | Methyl Bromide | Methyl Bromide | FM | + | + |
a Ia, extremely hazardous; Ib, highly hazardous; II, moderately hazardous; III, slightly hazardous; U, unlikely to present acute hazard in normal use; FM, fumigant (WHO,2005)
b+ means yes in use, ―means not in use
cBanned according to references (18, 20) and reference 21 (Annex3, Rotterdam Convention on the Prior Informed Consent Procedure for Certain Hazardous Chemicals and Pesticides in International Trade, Rotterdam, 10 September 1998).