Fig. 2. Ablation of TAK1 upregulates apoptosis in tumors.
Tumors and normal skin (normal tissue, nt) regions of the skin of TAK1 flox/flox (CT) and K14-CreERT TAK flox/flox (MT) mice were harvested when tumors started regressing at day 3-6 after the tamoxifen treatment. H&E (A) and TUNEL (B) staining was performed with Bouin-fixed sections. (A) The bottom panel shows tumors that lost cellularity. Arrows indicate fragmented nuclei. Tumors are categorized according to the level of apoptotic cells (bottom left table); −, no apoptotic cells; +, ≥10% tumor cells are apoptotic; ++, loss of cellularity similar to the bottom panel image. Scale bar, 40 μm. (B) DAPI staining (blue) images (2nd and 4th panels) are shown in the same fields of TUNEL staining (green) images (1st and 3rd panels). Data are representative images of tumors and normal regions of two different mice. TUNEL-positive cells in tumors were counted using CT and MT, and the mean±S.E. are shown (n=3). Scale bar, 40 μm.