Fig. 6. TAK1 inhibitor inhibits skin tumorigenesis.
CD1 mice (n=10 for each treatment) were treated with a single application of 200 nmol DMBA followed 1 week later with twice weekly treatment of 5 nmol TPA for 25 weeks. Control vehicle (acetone) or 100 nmol 5Z-7-oxozeaenol was topically treated 30 min before every TPA treatment. (A) The number of mice having tumors (>1 mm) was counted every week. P=0.88 (not significant difference) by log-rank test. (B) The total numbers of tumors at 25 weeks of TPA treatment were analyzed. 5Z-7-oxozeaenol treatment alone without DMBA or TPA did not induce skin papilloma or any skin abnormality.