Table II.
Percentage of total isthmus area occupied by debris in the MDI and the ANP groups at ten canal levels.
Canal level (from anatomic apex) |
MDI (%) * |
ANP (%) * |
1.0 mm | 15.64 1,B | 0.00 2,a |
1.2 mm | 23.59 1,AB | 1.81 2,a |
1.4 mm | 24.39 1,AB | 0.00 2,a |
1.6 mm | 25.02 1,AB | 0.00 2,a |
1.8 mm | 24.76 1,AB | 1.70 2,a |
2.0 mm | 25.93 1,AB | 0.70 2,a |
2.2 mm | 26.69 1,A | 1.41 2,a |
2.4 mm | 21.87 1,AB | 1.84 2,a |
2.6 mm | 24.81 1,AB | 2.52 2,a |
2.8 mm | 20.81 1,AB | 1.46 2,a |
Pooled data from the ten canal levels ** |
23.36 1 | 1.15 2 |
Values are expressed as least square means with the common standard error of the least square means = 2.38.
When data from the 10 canal levels of each “Group” are pooled together, the least square mean of the “MDI” group is 23.36% and that of the “ANP” group is 1.15%. The common standard error of the least square means is 2.49%. The difference of the pooled data between the “MDI” group and the “ANP” group is highly significant (p < 0.001).