A. Human primary monocytes were incubated with LpqH in the absence or presence of neutralizing Ab for hTLR1 (αT1), hTLR2 (αT2), hTLR4 (αT4), hCD14 (αCD14) or isotype control (IC; mIgG1 and mIgG2a; shown is the data for mIgG1 Ab), and subjected to confocal analysis as described in Fig. 1A. Top, a representative image with similar results is shown (three experiments); bottom, quantification of data; LC3 punctated cells were counted manually in DAPI-stained monocytes. #P < 0.02; *P < 0.001, versus control condition. Scale bars, 5 μm.
B. Human THP-1 cells transfected with non-specific siRNA (siNS) or specific siRNAs for hTLR1 (siT1), hTLR2 (siT2), hTLR4 (siT4) or hCD14 (siCD14) were incubated in the absence or presence of LpqH (100 ng ml−1) for 24 h, and subjected to confocal analysis as described in Fig. 1A. Graph is shown the percentage of LC3 punctated cells; right, RT-PCR for transfection efficiency. *P < 0.008, versus control condition. Data shown (for A and B) represent the means ± SD of three independent samples, with each experiment including at least 250 cells scored in five random fields. U, untreated and incubated.