Patterns of mRNA expression
of rac genes during the developmental cycle. Dictyostelium cells were allowed to develop on
nitrocellulose filters and total RNA was extracted at the indicated
time points. Northern blots containing 20 µg
total RNA for each time point were hybridised with the corresponding 32P-radiolabelled
probe. Two different blots were used; for racA, racE, racI, racJ and racL the
same blot was used; for racG and racH a
separate blot was used. The lane corresponding to 4 h was slightly
overloaded. The blots were stripped and tested for absence of radioactive
signals prior to hybridisation with a new probe. The arrows mark
the size of the transcripts in kilobases. The developmental stages
corresponding to the time points are depicted below. The transcripts
of some of the rac genes analysed here, most notably racJ and racL, are present after
the aggregation stage. Very long exposure times were required in
order to detect racA, racI, racJ and racL.