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. 2010 Sep;5(3):131–142.

Table 3.

The 3 Phases of Intervention Used For a Collegiate Athlete after sustaining 1st MTP Dorsal Dislocation.

Early Protection Activity Progression Return To Sport
Days 1 to 3 Day 3 to 4 Weeks Weeks 5 to 6
NWB, short leg walking boot PWBAT (day 4–8) Orthotics/shank
AROM Discontinue walking boot (2 wks) Great Toe Taping
Great Toe Flexion and Extension Orthotics/shank (2 wks) Gait Training
Great Toe Taping Jogging sagittal plane (limiting extension and abduction)
Ankle Circles Jogging multiplanar
Ankle Pumps Agility:
BAPS Board (anterior-posterior, medial-lateral, clockwise and counterclockwise) Long sit hamstring stretch, kneeling hip flexor stretch, piriformis stretch - running routes
- passing/driving blocks: non-contact.
Longsit and Standing Gastroc Stretch, Great Toe flexion and extension stretching ->With sandband-> with sled-> live contact
Towel Toe Crunches
Marble Toe Pick Ups
Gait Training 4 way SLR with cuff weights (ie hip flexion, adduction, extension abduction) Return to practice non-contact prior to live contact
Ultrasound, 2 MHz 8 min, pulsed 50%
Electrical Stimulation premodulation 15 minutes Ankle Theraband 4 way Full Return to Practice
Ankle Isolator Exerciser Electrical Stimulation premodulation 15 minutes as needed.
Contrast Bath (alternating cold/warm whirpool) 15 minutes SL balance with balance pad
Step up (forward and sideways) Cold Pack 20 minutes
Cold Pack 20 minutes Lunges (clock)
Compression Wrap Leg press with resistance cords
Leg curl
Leg extension
Walking program
Sidelying leg press (shuttle)
Hip extension in standing with pulleys
Forward and lateral step ups
Heel raises
Core program (ie bridges on ball with sagittal flexion and oblique curl ups)
Ultrasound, 2 MHz 8 min, pulsed 50%
Electrical Stimulation premodulation 15 minutes
Cold Pack 20 minutes
Compression Wrap