NWB, short leg walking boot |
PWBAT (day 4–8) |
Orthotics/shank |
Discontinue walking boot (2 wks) |
Great Toe Taping |
Great Toe Flexion and Extension |
Orthotics/shank (2 wks) |
Gait Training |
Great Toe Taping |
Jogging sagittal plane (limiting extension and abduction) |
Ankle Circles |
Jogging multiplanar |
Ankle Pumps |
Agility: |
BAPS Board (anterior-posterior, medial-lateral, clockwise and counterclockwise) |
Long sit hamstring stretch, kneeling hip flexor stretch, piriformis stretch |
- running routes |
- passing/driving blocks: non-contact. |
Longsit and Standing Gastroc Stretch, Great Toe flexion and extension stretching |
->With sandband-> with sled-> live contact |
Towel Toe Crunches |
Marble Toe Pick Ups |
Gait Training |
4 way SLR with cuff weights (ie hip flexion, adduction, extension abduction) |
Return to practice non-contact prior to live contact |
Ultrasound, 2 MHz 8 min, pulsed 50% |
Electrical Stimulation premodulation 15 minutes |
Ankle Theraband 4 way |
Full Return to Practice |
Ankle Isolator Exerciser |
Electrical Stimulation premodulation 15 minutes as needed. |
Contrast Bath (alternating cold/warm whirpool) 15 minutes |
SL balance with balance pad |
Clamshell |
Step up (forward and sideways) |
Cold Pack 20 minutes |
Cold Pack 20 minutes |
Lunges (clock) |
Compression Wrap |
Leg press with resistance cords |
Leg curl |
Leg extension |
Walking program |
Sidelying leg press (shuttle) |
Hip extension in standing with pulleys |
Forward and lateral step ups |
Heel raises |
Core program (ie bridges on ball with sagittal flexion and oblique curl ups) |
Ultrasound, 2 MHz 8 min, pulsed 50% |
Electrical Stimulation premodulation 15 minutes |
Cold Pack 20 minutes |
Compression Wrap |