PCR–CRMS genotyping
mode. (A) Schematic representation of the PCR–CRMS
strategy employing ssf probe. A target locus of interest is PCR
amplified with standard primers (red strands). A reference probe
is also amplified using a fluorescence-labeled forward primer and
a biotin-tagged reverse primer. Following purification of single-strand,
labeled reference probe by streptavidin binding, the ssf probe (dark
blue strands) is mixed with the test sample PCR products in a ratio of
1:5 to 1:10. The solution is heat denatured and reannealed in assay
buffer. The fluorescent heteroduplexes thus formed are the targets
of PCR–CRMS and are the only duplexes detected using the
ABI 377 automatic sequencer, forced to hybridize with the minus
strand of the unknown sample forming heteroduplexes. Quantitative
analysis of the electropherogram (GeneScan) provides the extent
of mismatch-directed cleavage; in genotyping mode this corresponds to
allele-sharing status. The green and blue circles represent the
fluorescent label and biotin tag, respectively. (B)
Three typical electropherograms of PCR–CRMS products representing
the ratios of PCR–CRMS products obtained with a wild-type
ssf probe and three types of genotypes following electrophoresis
on the ABI 377 automatic sequencer. Upper, homozygous wild-type
DNA (wt/wt); middle, heterozygous wild-type/variant
DNA (wt/variant); lower, homozygous variant DNA (variant/variant). Percent
cleavage for each reaction is provided in each panel. (C)
Frequency distribution of the percent digestion data obtained from
a blind PCR–CRMS assay performed on 58 previously genotyped
DNAs. The ssf probe was wild-type. The open and solid bars represent
samples previously genotyped as homozygotes and heterozygotes, respectively.