Table 7.
Sub-Syndrome | % of 221 visits with listed Sub-Syndrome | Sub-Syndrome | % of 221 visits with listed Sub-Syndrome |
Abdominal Pain | 8.14 | Heart disease, ischemic | 2.26 |
Alteration of Consciousness | 12.67 | Hempotysis | 7.24 |
Anemia | 10.86 | Hypotension | 1.81 |
Asthma | 3.62 | Influenza-like Illness | 8.14 |
Bronchitis and Bronchiolitis | 11.31 | Intestinal infections, ill-defined | .45 |
Cardiac dysrythmias | 14.48 | Lymphadenopathy | 1.81 |
Chest pain | 9.95 | Malaise and fatigue | .45 |
Coagulation defects | .45 | Mental disorders | 10.86 |
Coma | 8.14 | Migraine | .45 |
COPD | 1.36 | Nausea and vomiting | 9.95 |
Cough | 44.34 | Pleurisy | .45 |
Cyanosis and hypoxemia | 2.71 | Pneumonia and lung abscess | 19.00 |
Death | .45 | Pupurae and petechiae | 1.36 |
Dehydration | 1.81 | Rash | 10.41 |
Diabetes mellitus | 1.81 | Respiratory failure | 12.67 |
Diarrhea | 8.60 | Septicemia and bacteremia | 4.52 |
Dizziness | .45 | Shock | 9.95 |
Dyspnea | 39.82 | Skin infection | .45 |
Edema | 2.71 | Syncope and collapse | .45 |
Fever | 47.51 | Upper respiratory infections | 2.26 |
Gastrointestinal hemorrhage | 2.71 | Urinary tract infections | 1.81 |
Headache | .90 | Viral infection, unspecified | 11.31 |