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. 2010 Nov 9;182(16):1739–1746. doi: 10.1503/cmaj.091729

Table 1.

Characteristics of studies involving universal peer support

Study Methods Participants and setting Intervention Outcomes Results Quality*
MacArthur et al.16
  • Cluster RCT

  • 66 GPs

  • n = 2511

  • Intervention: n = 1140

  • Control: n = 1371

  • All pregnant women registered with health district remaining in area

  • UK

Routine AN care + 2 AN support sessions with PC (24–38 wk + 32–34 wk) Primary outcome: BF initiation
  • Initiation data on 2398 (95%)

  • Intervention: 747/1083 (69.0%)

  • Control: 896/1315 (68.1%)

  • No significant difference

  1. High

  2. High

  3. High

  4. High

Muirhead et al.19
  • RCT

  • One GP

  • 225 women

  • Intervention: n = 112

  • Control: n = 113

  • Pregnant women consented + randomly assigned at 28 wk gestation

  • Scotland, UK

  • AN PC

  • PN up to 16 wk

BF initiation + duration (up to 6 wk)
  • Initiation data on 225 (100%)

  • Intervention: 61/112 (54.5%)

  • Control: 60/113 (53.1%)

  • No significant difference

  1. High

  2. High

  3. High

  4. High

Morrow et al.18
  • Cluster RCT

  • 130 AN recruits

  • Intervention 1: n = 44

  • Intervention 2: n = 52

  • Control n = 34

  • Pregnant women living in and remaining in study area

  • Mexico

  • Intervention 1: 6 PC home visits (2 AN, 4 PN)

  • Intervention 2: 3 PC home visits (1 AN, 2 PN)

  • Primary outcome: exclusive BF

  • BF initiation was a baseline factor

  • Initiation data on 127 (97%)

  • Intervention 1: 44 (100%)

  • Intervention 2: 51 (98%)

  • Control: 32 (94%)

  • No significant difference

  1. High

  2. High

  3. Medium

  4. High

Caulfield et al.15
  • Cluster RCT

  • 4 WIC practices

  • 548 AN recruits

  • Intervention 1: n = 55

  • Intervention 2: n = 64

  • Intervention 3: n = 66

  • Control: n = 57

  • Those receiving AN care at one of 4 WIC clinics, singleton pregnancy, not planning on termination, eligible for WIC, planning to remain in clinical catchment area

  • Excluded if BF was contraindicated (HIV infection or medications)

  • USA

  • Intervention 1: PC only (clinic, home or phone)

  • Intervention 2: motivational videotape in waiting area

  • Intervention 3: PC + motivational videotape in waiting area

BF initiation + continuation to 7–10 days PN
  • Initiation data on 242 (44%)

  • Intervention 1: 34/55 (62%)

  • Intervention 2: 32/64 (50%)

  • Intervention 3: 34/66 (52%)

  • Control: 15/57 (26%)

  1. Medium

  2. Medium

  3. Medium

  4. Low

McInnes et al.17
  • Quasi-experiment

  • 995 AN recruits

  • Intervention: n = 474

  • Control: n = 521

  • Pregnant women

  • Home town defined whether participants were in intervention or control group

  • Excluded if did not complete pregnancy, had adverse birth outcome, moved from study areas, moved from intervention to control or vice versa, or did not deliver at either hospital linked to these geographic areas

  • Scotland, UK

PC (2 AN + 2 PN sessions) Infant feeding intention, BF initiation + BF duration (to 6 wk)
  • Initiation data on 926 (93%)

  • Intervention: 105/449 (23%)

  • Control: 94/477 (20%)

  • p = 0.006

  1. Low

  2. Medium

  3. Medium

  4. High

Shaw et al.21
  • Retrospective cohort with concurrent control

  • 4 rural WIC counties

  • 93 AN recruits

  • Intervention n = 156

  • Control n = 135

  • Women 6 wk–6 mo PN, registered antenatally for WIC-specific health departments. Exclusions: women not seen in AN period by departmental staff

  • Intervention group = women choosing PC. Control group = those who did not want PC + those lacking access to PC

  • USA

PC (1 AN session + PN as required) BF initiation on hospital discharge + BF duration
  • Initiation data on 292 (99%)

  • Intervention: 82/156 (53%)

  • Control: 45/135 (33%)

  • p < 0.05

  1. Low

  2. Low

  3. Medium

  4. Low

Schafer et al.20
  • Prospective cohort

  • WIC clinics in 8 rural counties

  • 207 women recruited

  • Intervention: n = 143

  • Control: n = 64

  • AN + PN women qualifying for WIC and referred by WIC clinics

  • Intervention group = AN women requesting PC in 2 counties. Control group = AN + PN women in 6 counties

  • USA

AN + PN PC BF initiation + BF duration
  • Initiation data on 207 (100%)

  • Intervention: 117/143 (82%)

  • Control: 20/64 (31%)

  1. Low

  2. Low

  3. Low

  4. Low

Note: AN = antenatal, BF = breastfeeding, GP = general practice, PC = peer counsellor or counselling, PN = postnatal, RCT = randomized controlled trial, WIC = Women, Infants and Children programme.


1 = selection bias, 2 = performance bias, 3 = measurement bias, 4 = attrition bias.

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