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. 2010 Nov 9;182(16):1739–1746. doi: 10.1503/cmaj.091729

Table 2.

Characteristics of studies involving targeted peer support

Study Methods Participants and setting Intervention Outcomes Results Quality*
Chapman et al.23
  • RCT

  • 219 AN recruits

  • Intervention: n = 113

  • Control: n = 106

  • Predominantly Hispanic women, ≤ 26 wk, eligible for WIC, age ≥ 18 yr, telephone contact for follow-up, considering BF, living in greater Hartford, no other PC, full-term singleton delivery with no congenital abnormalities, no history of maternal HIV infection. NICU infants excluded

  • UK

AN early intrapartum, PN PC BF initiation, BF rates at 1, 3 and 6 mo
  • Initiation data on 165 (75%)

  • Intervention: 91%

  • Control: 77%

  1. High

  2. Medium

  3. High

  4. High

Graffy et al.24
  • RCT

  • 720 AN recruits

  • Intervention: n = 363

  • Control: n = 357

  • 28–36 wk gestation

  • Considering BF

  • Not BF previous child age > 6 wk, English speaking, staying in area until ≥ 4 mo PN

  • UK

  • AN + PN

  • National Childbirth Trust PC

  • Intervention: routine care + 1 AN visit + PN telephone support or home visits if requested

  • Control: routine care

  • Primary outcome: prevalence of any BF at 6 wk

  • Secondary outcome: BF initiation

  • Initiation data on 644 (89%)

  • Intervention: 95%

  • Control: 96%

  • p = 0.44

  1. High

  2. High

  3. High

  4. High

Anderson et al.22
  • RCT

  • 182 AN recruits

  • Intervention: n = 90

  • Control: n = 92

  • Predominantly Hispanic women ≤ 32 wk, low income, eligible for WIC, age ≥ 18 yr, to deliver at Hartford hospital

  • No medical conditions to impair BF, considering BF

  • Delivered healthy term singleton of normal weight, Apgar ≥ 6 at 1 min and 5 min. No admission to NICU, remaining in Hartford until 3 mo PN

  • USA

PC + routine care: 3 AN home visits, daily in-patient visits + 9 PN home visits Exclusive BF status at hospital discharge, 1, 2 + 3 mo PN
  • Initiation data on 135 (74%)

  • Intervention: 57/63 (91%)

  • Control: 55/72 (76%)

  1. High to medium

  2. High

  3. High

  4. High

Kistin et al.25
  • Cohort with concurrent control

  • 102 women identified

  • Intervention: n = 59

  • Control: n = 43

  • Pregnant women who requested a PC + intended to BF

  • USA

AN PC if possible and PN PC by telephone BF initiation exclusively and duration
  • Initiation data on 85 (83%)

  • Intervention: 55/59 (93%)

  • Control: 30/43 (70% )

  • p < 0.05

  1. Low

  2. Medium

  3. Low

  4. Medium

Note: AN = antenatal, BF = breastfeeding, NICU = neonatal intensive care unit, PC = peer counsellor or counselling, PN = postnatal, RCT = randomized controlled trial, WIC = Women, Infants and Children programme.


1 = selection bias, 2 = performance bias, 3 = measurement bias, 4 = attrition bias.

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