Putative model of p53 post-transcriptional
regulation in a heterologous yeast context. (A)
In the presence of the 5′-UTR, a complex
structure is formed [two possibilities are represented: (1) a ‘pseudoknot’ structure,
(2) a coaxial stacking of two stems] and strongly inhibits
either the initiation or the progression of the ribosome across
the stem–loop structure. Therefore, only the p40 truncated
protein is produced at a low level. (B) In the
absence of 5′-UTR, only a weak stem–loop
is formed that could often be bypassed by the ribosome, giving rise
to a large quantity of the 53 kDa protein, but sometimes the ribosome
is arrested and led to a weak quantity of p40 protein. Due to the
absence of structure at the 5′ end,
the initiation of translation is highly improved. Complete 5′-UTR (green); p53 ORF (red); first
154 bases of 3′-UTR (blue).