Figure 1. v-Src expression mediates connexin phosphorylation.
wt MEFs were transfected with a v-Src expression vector and analyzed for v-Src levels and cx43 phosphorylation. (A) Western blot for src expression in wt MEFs in two subclones, Src1 and Src2. Band intensities for src expression were quantified and normalized to tubulin. The values given below the respective lanes indicate the fold level of expression of src in relation to wt cells. (B) Western blot for tyrosine phosphorylated cx43 using a cx43 phospho-specific antibody (pYcx43). Values below each lane indicate levels of phospho-cx43 relation to wt cells. (C) Immunoblot analysis with anti-phosphotyrosine antibody (upper panel) and anti-cx43 antibody (lower panel) of samples from the indicated cells first immunoprecipitated with anti-cx43 antibody.