(Opposite and above) Probability
profiles (sequence width W = 4) for other
representative RNA sequences, with sampling estimates computed from
1000 sampled secondary structures. For X.laevis oocyte
5S rRNA (A, opposite), the large dots present the
profile indicated by the phylogenetic structure, the dashed line is
the sampling estimate and the vertical bars represent the minimum
free energy structure. For E.coli 16S rRNA domain
II (B, opposite), E. coli RNase
P (C, above) and Group I intron from 26S rRNA of T.thermophila (D, above), the
small solid squares (adjacent squares appear to form line segments)
present the profile indicated by phylogenetic structure, the dashed
line is the sampling estimate and the vertical bars represent the
minimum free energy structure. For the Tetrahymena Group
I intron, a 6 bp double-stranded region called P3 (38) in the phylogenetic
structure is not considered here because of the creation of a pseudoknot.
The current sampling algorithm needs to be extended to predict certain
types of pseudoknots.