Fig. 4.
(A and B) Micrographs of cells isolated on the HB-Chip from a metastatic prostate cancer patient that were not classified as CTCs due to their dual-positivity for both PSA (green) and CD45 (red). Corresponding H and E images are shown. (C) Micrographs of a CTC cluster isolated from a metastatic prostate cancer patient on the HB-Chip; immunofluoresence staining (DNA (blue), prostate-specific membrane antigen (green), and CD45 (red)) and subsequent immunohistochemical staining (H and E) are shown. A three-dimensional projection of this cluster can be viewed in SI Text. (D) A CTC cluster isolated from a metastatic lung cancer patient on the HB-Chip; immunofluoresence staining (DNA (blue), cytokeratins 7/8 (green), and CD45 (red)) and subsequent immunohistochemical staining (H and E) are shown. All scale bars represent 10 μm.