Phylogenetic model of group
II intron ORF relationships. The phylogenetic estimate was based
on RT subdomains 0–7 and domain X, and was calculated by
a neighbor-joining algorithm (PHYLIP; see Materials and Methods).
The tree was rooted with four RTs of non-LTR retroelements: Caenorhabditis
elegans RTE1 (accession number AF025462), Drosophila
melanogaster RD2 (X51967), Homo sapiens L1
(U93574) and D.melanogaster jockey (M22874) (8).
Bootstrap values are expressed as percentages, and were derived
from 1000 (NJ) or 100 (MP) samplings, with MP values shown in italics
and parentheses. Nodes with <50% support are collapsed.
The predicted approximate location of euglenoid ORFs is shown with
dotted lines (see text). Juxtaposed with the inferred phylogenetic relationships
are properties of the introns, including protein domains present
(subdomains 0–7 of the RT domain, domain X, Zn domain),
the size of spacer segments between conserved motifs (see Fig. 2
for spacer definitions), idiosyncratic insertions, the presence
of the YADD motif or a functional substitute (see Table 3
footnote), and the presence of a group II intron structure (see
Table 3). Euglenoid ORFs are found in group III introns; P.s.cpn60I1
is reported to be a twintron (46), but the published RNA structure
is probably incorrect. Abbreviations and color codings are: M (mitochondria;
blue), C (chloroplast; green), B (bacteria; yellow), P (higher plant;
green outline), L (liverwort; green outline), F (fungus; no outline),
BA (brown alga; brown outline), GA (green alga; no outline), RA
(red alga; pink outline), E (euglenoid; no outline), Cr (cryptopmonad;
no outline).