Fig. 2.
Dormant seed coats produce diffusible signals with germination-repressive activities. (A) Diagram describing the procedure of a seed coat bedding assay. Embryos and seed coats are dissected 4 h after seed imbibition and coatless embryos are laid on a layer of dissected seed coats. (B) Seed coat bedding assays using seed coats dissected from dormant (D) or nondormant (ND) Cvi seeds. Pictures show embryos upon their dissection from dormant seeds (4 h) and 120 h thereafter in absence (MS) or presence of 0.5 μM ABA (ABA). Seed coats and coatless embryos were further physically separated by a 0.45-μm pore-size nylon transfer membrane (filter). Proteins were extracted from the embryo material shown.