Fig. 6.
Inhibition of ERK and AKT diminishes phosphorylation and CG-dependent cell motility. Cultures pretreated with either UO126 or LY294002 were stimulated for 15 min (Western blotting), 24 h (SGHPL-5 cell invasion assay), or 48 (outgrowth from explant cultures) with 5 or 50 IU/ml CG. Western blot analyses (n = 3) and invasion assays were done as described above. A, Western blot analyses showing UO126-mediated inhibition of ERK. Specific signals are indicated by arrows. B, Western blot analyses demonstrate LY294002-mediated inhibition of AKT. Specific signals are indicated by arrows, asterisk marks unspecific bands. C, Invasion assays. Bars represent mean values of three different experiments performed in duplicates; error bars indicate SD. D, Mean value of untreated cultures (negative control) was arbitrarily set to 100%. D, Quantification of the area of outgrowth in CG/inhibitor-treated explant cultures. Mean values ± SD of at least 21 explants per condition derived from three different placentae are depicted. *, P < 0.05.