MRI and blood glucose changes in diabetic mice after transplantation of labeled and unlabeled islets.
A. Gradient echo T2*-weighted coronal MR images show hypointense area (arrow in left panel) in left kidney containing 2500 transplanted, labeled islets. No signal drop is seen in kidney with unlabeled islets (arrow in right panel).
B. Graph shows blood glucose levels in diabetic mice measured after labeled or unlabeled islet transplantation. Blood glucose levels in diabetic mice returned to normal (≤ 150 mg/dL) 24 hours after transplantation and remained normal for 30 days, but nephrectomy performed at 30 days post-transplantation caused recurrence of elevated blood glucose levels.
C. Graph shows results of intraperitoneal glucose tolerance tests performed at 28 days post-transplantation. No significant differences were observed between labeled and unlabeled islets in terms of restoration of normal blood glucose levels. Values are expressed as mean ± standard deviation.