Anchored RT–PCR
of E-selectin 3′-ends from antisense-treated
HUVEC. (A) Ethidium bromide staining of 1.8% agarose
gel containing the products of RT–PCR analysis. Oligonucleotides
were administered for 4 h at 200 nM for single oligonucleotide treatment
or 150 nM each for dual oligonucleotide treatment. Treated cells
were incubated overnight prior to TNF induction of the E-selectin
message: –, no TNF treatment; +, 5 ng/ml
TNF for 2 h. Bold arrows, expected positions of the Types I, II
and III transcripts; thin arrow, expected length of product for
the variant poly(A) signal. (B) Diagrammatic representation
of the oligonucleotide target sites and position of the PCR primers.