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. 2010 Nov 5;5(11):e13845. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0013845

Table 1. List of environmental variables used in analysis.

Variable Short Description Reference
Macroalgal biomass ALG Macroalgal wet weight per unit area NaGISA data
Substrate category SUB Categories: bedrock, sandstone, large boulders, boulders and cobbles, rocks embedded in soft sediment NaGISA data
Sea-surface temperature SST climatological summer mean value, averaged between 1985 and 2001, derived from the 4 km resolution AVHRR Pathfinder Project version 5.0 by the NOAA NODC [125]
Chlorophyll-a CHA SeaWiFS reprocessing 5.2 by the NASA GSFC Ocean Color Group, averaged 1997-2009, 9 km resolution [126]
Primary productivity PP mg carbon m−2 d−1, Vertically Generalized Production Model (VGPM) for SeaWiFS, averaged 1997–2007, 18 km resolution [127]
Salinity SAL HYCOM predictive model, National Ocean Partnership Program, average for 2003, 1/12° resolution
Inorganic pollution INP urban runoff estimated from land-use categories, US Geologic Survey ( [55]
Organic pollution ORP FAO national pesticides statistics (1992–2002), ( [55]
Nutrient contamination NUTC FAO national fertilizers statistics (1992–2002), ( [55]
Marine-derived pollution MARP port data 1999–2005, proportional to commercial shipping traffic [55]
acidification AC aragonite saturation state 1870–2000/2009, 1 degree lat/long resolution [55]
invasive species incidence INV cargo traffic 1999–2003 [55]
human coastal population density HUM LandScan 30 arc-second population data of 2005 [55]
shipping activity SH commercial ship traffic 2004–2005 [55]