Branched polymer increases
transfection efficiency of plasmid. (A) 7.5
nmol of HK or 0.375 nmol of HHK4b was mixed with PCI-luc, and luciferase activity
was measured in MDA-MB-435 cells as described in Materials and Methods. *, P < 0.05, HHK4b versus HK, Student’s t-test. (B) In addition to MDA-MB-435
cells, HHK4b as a sole carrier was significantly better in augmenting
gene expression compared to HK in CHO, MDA-MB-231, CRL-5800 and
MCF7 cells. *, P < 0.05, HHK4b
versus HK in CHO, MDA-MB-231, CRL-5800 and MCF7, Student’s t-test.