Table 2.
Effect | MS | F | p |
Run (H2S vs. Eugenol) | 2699.96 | .395 | .536 |
Presence (odour vs. air) | 398.50 | .771 | .389 |
Congruency (congruent vs. incongruent) | 105684.88 | 38.327 | <.001 |
Run × Presence | 541.72 | .933 | .344 |
Run × Congruency | 88.39 | .091 | .766 |
Presence × Congruency | 770.48 | 1.718 | .202 |
Run × Presence × Congruency | 1603.32 | 4.412 | .046 |
Reaction times were submitted to an odour RUN × odour PRESENCE × Stroop CONGRUENCY repeated-measures ANOVA. All factors were within-subject. Only the main-effect of CONGRUENCY and the three-way interaction effect were significant.