Properties of the dhp1-1 mutation.
(A) Construct of the dhp1-1 allele.
The ura4+ gene was inserted
into the EcoRV site of the dhp1+ gene
to generate Dhp1-1p, which lacks 125 amino acids from the C-terminus
of Dhp1p. Only relevant restriction sites are shown. H, HindIII;
N, NdeI; RV, EcoRV. (B) Growth
rate of the dhp1-1 mutant. Wild-type (JY742, closed
squares) or dhp1-1 (MP102, open squares) cells
grown at 25°C in YES were cultured at
36°C. (C) Instability
of Dhp1-1p at the restrictive temperature. Wild-type or the dhp1-1 cells
grown at 25°C in YES were cultured at
36°C. Soluble cell lysates prepared
from aliquots were separated by 8.3% SDS–PAGE
and subjected to western blotting with anti-Dhp1p antiserum.