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. 2010 Jul 13;19(9):1796–1800. doi: 10.1002/pro.450

Table I.

Data and Model Statistics for the 2.4 Å Structure of Rabbit Muscle Pyruvate Kinase in Complex With Pyruvate and Proline

Wavelength 1.54 Å
Space group P 1
Unit cell a = 82.4, b = 108.7, c = 144.3 (Å)
α = 95.2, β = 93.4, γ = 112.2 (°)
Resolution limits 36.6–2.4 Å
Unique reflections 139,524
Completenessa (%; all data) 83 (70)
Redundancya 3.5 (3.0)
I(I)a 8.5 (2.1)
Rmergea 0.09 (0.43)
Molecules/ASU 8
Rwork 20.6 (30.1)%
Rfree 26.8 (39.1)%
Average B factor (Å2) Protein: 28.4
Pyruvate: 20.5
Proline: 26.8
Water: 24.8
Estimated coordinate error based on maximum likelihood 0.23 Å
Bond length RMSD 0.02 Å
Bond angle RMSD 1.97°

Values in parentheses represent statistics for data in the highest resolution shells. The highest resolution shell comprises data in the range of 2.49–2.4 Å.