Figure 1.—
Effects of coffee extracts and caffeine on paralysis in inducible Aβ expression strain CL4176 (Pmyo-3∷Aβ42). Time refers to hours after Aβ expression was induced by temperature upshift. (A) Incorporation of 10% caffeinated or decaffeinated coffee extract into agar media plates suppresses paralysis (control vs. caffeinated or decaffeinated coffee, P < 0.001; decaffeinated coffee vs. caffeinated coffee, P < 0.02, paired log rank survival test). (B) Incorporation of pure caffeine into agar media plates can also slow induced paralysis, but this effect is weaker than that of decaffeinated coffee. (This experiment was done in parallel with that shown in A; separate plots are presented for clarity.) (C) Dose response paralysis curves for agar media containing 0–50% coffee extract. Error bars = SEM.