Fig. 8.
Microgliosis after tau, but not GFP gene transfer in aged rats. A-C) 2 wk; D-F) 8 wk. The AAV9 GFP vector produced GFP in the SN pars compacta at both 2 and 8 wk (A, D). A longer camera exposure time in A than in D was consistent with less GFP expression at 2 wk as shown in Fig. 2. B, E) The same sections as in A and D stained with an antibody for the microglia marker CDllb. With AAV9 GFP, areas with efficient gene transfer in the substantia nigra pars compacta displayed nearly baseline levels of microglia in the pars compacta relative to non-transduced areas (not shown). C, F) Unlike the GFP transductions, tau gene transfer elevated microglia staining, particularly at 2 wk. Equal camera settings in for CD11b in B, C, E, F. A-F, bar = 160 µm.