Comparative expression from AAV2, AAV8, AAV9 and AAV10 tau vectors at (A) 1 week, (B) 2 weeks and (C) 4 weeks. (D) Quantification of human tau expression, normalized to a constitutive gene product [glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase (GAPDH)] expression (N) (*significant serotype differences, P < 0.05, anovas/Bonferroni’s multiple comparison tests, see Results for all comparisons). The dissected SN, the injected area, showed relatively strong and rapid expression from AAV9 or AAV10. AAV2 was weaker than either AAV9 or AAV10 at all intervals (P < 0.05). AAV8 expression was similar to AAV2 at 1 and 2 weeks but was greater than AAV2 by 4 weeks (P < 0.001), by which time AAV8 expression was similar to AAV9 or AAV10. Each sample is shown; equal proteins were loaded on gels. AAV2 or AAV8 was run at a vector dose of 6.4 × 109 vg, whereas AAV9 or AAV10 was run at a lower dose of 3 × 109 vg.