Figure 7.
Effect of controlled transplanted ESNPCs on functional recovery. Each experimental group was analyzed weekly following treatment for functional recovery using the grid walk test. A) Results of the grid walk analysis results for each group. The grid walk analysis measures the fraction of missed steps and increase in function is indicated by a decrease in the fraction of missed step. The groups receiving ESNPCs transplanted into the lesion site alone (10EB no Fibrin, n = 7) exhibited a significant decrease in fraction of missed steps compared to the Control (n = 6, p < 0.05) at 2 weeks following transplantation and remaining for the remainder of the study. All ESNPCs groups exhibited significant decrease in the fraction of missed step compared to the Control group 4 weeks after transplantation (p < 0.05, Control vs. 10EB no Fibrin, n = 14, 10EB + Fibrin, 10EB + DS + GF,, 10EB + GF no DS,). The difference compared to control receded for the 10EB + DS + GF and 10EB + Fibrin (0.28 ± .07, n = 7) groups at 8 weeks after transplantation. The 10EB + GF no DS remained significantly decreased at 8 weeks (Error bars represent SEM, * indicates p < 0.05 vs. Control).