Reference, year, country, score | Population and methods | Outcome measures | Results |
Aigner et al (33), 2006, Austria, PEDro score = 5 | Randomized controlled trial. 50 patients with acute WAD were prescribed a muscle relaxant and an analgesic, and wore a collar for 1–2 weeks with an effort toward gradual reduction in collar use. The treatment group received laser acupuncture 3 times per week for up to 3 weeks; the control group received sham laser acupuncture | Cervical ROM (goniometer), duration of collar use, sick leave, medication use, and duration of pain and subjective symptoms were assessed after the last acupuncture treatment and 8–12 months postinjury | No significant differences were reported between the two groups on any of the outcome measures. Although both groups improved in terms of cervical ROM, results marginally favoured the control group. Significance levels were not reported |
PEDro Physiotherapy Evidence Database; ROM Range of motion