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. 2010 Nov;8(6):499–506. doi: 10.1370/afm.1145

Table 1.

Characteristics and Representativeness of Practice Sample (n = 42) Compared With All General Practices in England

Characteristic Na Mean SD 10th Percentile Median 90th Percentile
Overall QOFb achievement 2007
    Englandc 8,372 89.8 5.0 84.7 90.8 94.1
    Study sample 42 89.6 3.5 86.1 90.0 93.1
Practice list size 2007
    Englandc 8,582 6,422 3,965 2,238 5,590 11,784
    Study sample 42 6,620 3,846 2,370 6,118 11,342
Overall QOF achievement 2005
    Englandc 8,500 79.8 8.7 68.7 81.7 88.4
    Study sample 42 80.6 7.0 71.1 82.2 88.6
Practice list size 2005
    Englandc 8,458 6,237 3,866 2,180 5,409 11,553
    Study sample 41 6,617 3,837 2,456 5,921 11,481
Practice list size 2003
    Englandc 7,842 5,983 3,776 2,076 5,170 11,185
    Study sample 39 6,367 3,767 2,163 5,862 11,270
Deprivation: SOA IMDd (2005)
    Englandc 8,582 26.0 17.1 7.4 21.6 51.3
    Study sample 42 27.3 20.6 7.3 20.1 62.7

GMS = General Medical Services; IMD = Index of Multiple Deprivation; NHS = National Health Service; QOF = Quality and Outcomes Framework: SOA = Super Output Area.

a Practice list sizes from GMS data (Reused with the permission of The Health and Social Care Information Centre).

b QOF achievement obtained from the NHS Information Centre (

c Data correspond to all practices in England.

d IMD data available from the Communities and Neighbourhoods Web site (