FIG. 4.
GelE degrades C5a. (A) MALDI-TOF spectra of C5a (∼12 kDa) alone, C5a incubated with GelE, and C5a incubated with SprE. Incubation of C5a with GelE results in complete hydrolysis of C5a in 20 min, whereas incubation of C5a with SprE results in ∼ 90% hydrolysis under similar conditions. (B) Silver-stained Tris-Tricine gel showing the molecular mass marker of ∼12 kDa (lane 1), C5a incubated with GelE (lane 2), C5a incubated with SprE (lane 3), and C5a alone (lane 4). (C) Silver-stained gel of the purified proteases: M designates the molecular weight ladder. Lane 1, GelE; lane 2, SprE. The purified proteases were subjected to MALDI-TOF, and the molecular masses were determined to be 32,866.3 Da for GelE and 25,717.13 Da for SprE (data not shown).