FIG. 7.
Reversal kinetics upon 0.5-s pulse stimulation of HmSRII (A) and HmSRM (B) with 465- ± 15-nm and 540- ± 10-nm lights, respectively. Light-gray, dark-gray, and black circles represent 25%, 50%, and 75% light intensity, respectively. The estimated 75% light intensities for the 465- ± 15-nm and 540- ± 10-nm lights were 3.7 × 106 and 2.9 × 106 photons·mm−2·s−1, respectively. Each panel was derived from 720 s of video from a single set of experiments. Error bars indicate 95% confidence intervals, assuming a binomial distribution; the number of trajectories ranged from 117 to 235.