Figure 2.
Probability of survival for men with different smoking histories. Seven survival curves denote different smoking histories: n, never smoker; …, former smoker who smoked 1 pack/day for 10 years since age 17 and quit at age 27; ·–·, former smoker who smoked 1 pack/day for 20 years since age 17 and quit at age 37; – –,former smoker who smoked 1 pack/day for 30 years since age 17 and quit at age 47; 5, current smoker who smoked 0.5 pack/day since age 17; 1, current smoker who smoked 1 pack/day since age 17; 2, current smoker who smoked 2 pack/day since age 17. Age 17 was chosen because it is the mean age when male smokers began to smoke.