Figure 4. The cyc dich div ground state.
(A) Mature (day 24) cyc dich div flower: all petals are identical and bilaterally symmetrical. (B) Representation of a flattened cyc dich div petal, divided into its key regions (see [11]). Patterning along the mediolateral axis of the petal is shown below as distributions of the identity factors LAT (highest at lateral edges) and MED (highest medially). (C) Observed clone pattern on the flattened div mutant ventral lobe (induced at ∼ day 14; clones for several lobes overlaid, see Figure S13 for clones induced at other times). (D) Initial canvas (day 10) used for modelling the cyc dich div triple mutant corolla. Identity factors are established during the setup phase in domains along the proximodistal and mediolateral axes of each petal. Polarity organisers PROXORG and DISTORG are located proximally and distally. Black arrows indicate gradient of POL. (E) PRN summarising the influences of the polarity organisers PROXORG and DISTORG on polarity through POL (POLARISER). See main text for explanation, and see Model 1 in Text S1B for details of implementation. (F) KRN. Sections shaded grey are active only during the early or late phases (unshaded regions are active throughout early and late phases). See main text for explanation, and see Model 1 in Text S1B for detailed implementation. (G) Shape generated by growing the initial canvas (D) to maturity (day 24). A subset of identity factors and polarity organisers are coloured as in (D). Black arrows indicate gradient of POL. (H) One petal from (G), computationally flattened for comparison with (B). Regions with non-zero Gaussian curvature cannot be flattened without distortion or crushing. We used a heuristic to minimise the distortion [5]. (I) Ellipse pattern on a computationally flattened lobe from (G) (ellipses originated as circles on day 14). Compare with (C). (J) Shape generated by growing the initial canvas (D) to maturity using a variant model with isotropic specified growth (no POL gradient). For detailed implementation, see Model 1, mutant 1 in Text S1B. (K) Shape generated through growing the initial canvas (D) to maturity using a variant model with no inhibition of specified growth rates in medial region of lobes. For detailed implementation, see Model 1, mutant 2 in Text S1B. All scale bars are 5 mm unless otherwise marked.