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. 2010 Oct 18;5:26. doi: 10.1186/1747-1028-5-26

Table 2.

Proteins that interact with Jab1/CSN5

Protein Description Effect of Jab1/CSN5 interaction Overall signaling effect References
Proteins degraded by Jab1/CSN5

p27 Cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitor and tumor suppressor Nuclear export and degradation Increased cellular proliferation [8]
LHR Lutropin/choriogonadotropin receptor Degradation Reproductive disorders [38]
p53 Transcription factor and tumor suppressor Nuclear export and degradation Inhibit p53 tumor suppressor function [6,107,108]
Smad 4 Co-Smad, positive regulator of TGFß signaling Ubiquitination and degradation Inhibit TGFß signaling [7]
Smad 7 Inhibitory Smad, negative regulator of TGFß signaling Nuclear export and degradation Increase TGFß signaling [69]
ERα Estrogen receptor α Degradation Increase hormone induced transcription [109]
West nile virus Capsid Activates caspase-3 and caspase-9 in the apoptosis pathway Nuclear translocation and degradation Protective against West Nile Virus [42]
Cyclin E Cell cycle control, G1 to S phase Degradation Cell cycle [110]
Rad9-Rad1-Hus complex Involved in DNA damage sensing and DNA repair Degradation Impair DNA checkpoint and repair response to DNA damage [70]
RUNX-3 Runt-related transcription factors Nuclear export and degradations Inhibition of a tumor suppressor [111]
MIF Cytokine with tautomerase and oxidoreductases activities Inhibition of MIF secretion Inhibits MIF-mediated AKT signaling [112]
DNA topoisomerase (topo) II alpha Enzyme that is essential for cell proliferation that segregates chromosome pairs during chromosome condensation Degradation in a MPN dependent manner under glucose starvation Decreased cell proliferation under stress conditions such as glucose starvation [113]
Endothelin type A and B receptors G protein-coupled receptors whose overexpression is correlated with chronic heart failure and in infiltrating cells of atherosclerotic lesions Ubiquitination and degradation Decreased Endothelin-1 induced intracellular signaling through ERK1/2 [114]

Proteins affected by Jab1/CSN5

c-Jun Member of the AP-1 transcription factor family Transcriptional co-activator and specificity factor Increased transcriptional activity and cellular proliferation [1]
Myc Oncogenic transcription factor Promotes transcription of MYC target genes and induces MYC ubiquitination and turnover Activates a wound signature and induced cell proliferation and invasion in breast cancer cells [10]
HIF-1α Hypoxia inducible factor α Competes with p53 for binding, stabilizes protein HIF-1α levels Increased expression of VEGF and angiogenesis [9,115]
HAND2 Transcription factor important for development of the heart, limbs, and neural crest-derived lineages Enhances HAND2 DNA binding Tissue-specific transcription [50]
53BP1 P53 binding protein, cellular response to stress conditions Hyperphosphorylation under stress conditions Activation of mitotic checkpoint mechanism [48]
Smad 5 Receptor associated Smad protein, positive regulator of TGFß signaling Inhibits bone morphogenetic signaling Affect matrix turnover [116]
Brn-2 POU transcription factor, development of neocortex and neural cell lineage Increases Brn-2 transcriptional activity Neuronal development and neurodegenerative diseases [49]
Bcl-3 Member of Iκ-B family, proto-oncogene, can activate or inhibit NF-κB transcription Bridges binding between Jab1/CSN5 and NF-κB Link NF-κB and AP-1 gene activation [47]
E2F-1 Transcription factor important for cell cycle progression, DNA damage repair, apoptosis Cofactor for E2F-1 dependent apoptosis, but not cell cycle entry Enhances E2F-1 mediated apoptosis [22]
PR, SRC-1 Progesterone receptor, steroid receptor coactivator Stabilized PR-SRC-1 complexes Increased transcriptional activity [37]
SMYD3 A histone methyltransferase Suppressed transcription of the tumor suppressor p16 Negative regulation of p16 and possible increased in hematopoietic progenitors [86]
Cullin Subunit of SCF ubiquitin ligases Cleavage of NEDD8 from Cul1 Required for optimal SCF ubiquitin ligase activity [4]
PAR-2 G protein-coupled receptor for trypsin and tryptase Increased PAR-2 transcription Increased AP-1 activation [117]
MDM2 Mediates p53 degradation Reduces MDM2 self-ubiquitination Negative regulation of p53 [108]
TRAF-2 TNFR-associated factor 2, mediator of TNFα prosurvival response Ubiquitination of TRAF-2 Necessary for TNF-α prosurvival signaling and MMP production [118]
Rad51 DNA repair protein involved in homologous recombination Increases expression through negative regulation of p53 Increased ability of cell to repair DNA [71]
FcαRI/CD89 Receptor for IgA expressed on myeloid cells and involved in phagocytosis, Ab-dependent cellular cytotoxicity, antigen presentation, and cytokine release Binds directly to the intracellular domain and is involved in regulating stabilization of surface expression Decreased expression of FcαR1 and possible defective antigen recognition response [119]
5-HT(6)R Serotonin receptor involved in the control of mood and emotion as well as involved in neurological disorders Reduced Jab1/CSN5 expression decreases expression and activity Reduced signaling through 5-HT(6)R, increased c-Jun activity and enhanced cell survival under hypoxia [120]

Abbreviations: 5-HT(6)R, serotonin 6 receptor; AP-1, activator protein ; Bcl-3, B-cell lymphoma 3-encoded protein; ERα, estrogen receptor α; FcαRI, FCalphaRI; HAND2, heart- and neural crest derivatives-expressed protein 2; HIF-1α, hypoxia inducible factor α; LHR, lutropin/choriogonadotropin receptor; MIF, macrophage migration inhibitory factor; MDM2, murine double minute; NEDD8, neural precursor cell-expressed developmentally down-regulated; NF-kB, nuclear factor kappa-light-chain-enhancer of activated B cells; 53BP-1, p53 binding protein 1; PAR-2, abnormal embryonic PARtitioning of cytoplasm 2; PR, Progesterone receptor; SCF, Skp1-Cullin-F-box; SRC-1, steroid receptor coactivator 1; TRAF-2, TNF receptor-associated factor 2; VEGF, vascular endothelial growth factor

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