Table 2.
Proteins that interact with Jab1/CSN5
Protein | Description | Effect of Jab1/CSN5 interaction | Overall signaling effect | References |
Proteins degraded by Jab1/CSN5 | ||||
p27 | Cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitor and tumor suppressor | Nuclear export and degradation | Increased cellular proliferation | [8] |
LHR | Lutropin/choriogonadotropin receptor | Degradation | Reproductive disorders | [38] |
p53 | Transcription factor and tumor suppressor | Nuclear export and degradation | Inhibit p53 tumor suppressor function | [6,107,108] |
Smad 4 | Co-Smad, positive regulator of TGFß signaling | Ubiquitination and degradation | Inhibit TGFß signaling | [7] |
Smad 7 | Inhibitory Smad, negative regulator of TGFß signaling | Nuclear export and degradation | Increase TGFß signaling | [69] |
ERα | Estrogen receptor α | Degradation | Increase hormone induced transcription | [109] |
West nile virus Capsid | Activates caspase-3 and caspase-9 in the apoptosis pathway | Nuclear translocation and degradation | Protective against West Nile Virus | [42] |
Cyclin E | Cell cycle control, G1 to S phase | Degradation | Cell cycle | [110] |
Rad9-Rad1-Hus complex | Involved in DNA damage sensing and DNA repair | Degradation | Impair DNA checkpoint and repair response to DNA damage | [70] |
RUNX-3 | Runt-related transcription factors | Nuclear export and degradations | Inhibition of a tumor suppressor | [111] |
MIF | Cytokine with tautomerase and oxidoreductases activities | Inhibition of MIF secretion | Inhibits MIF-mediated AKT signaling | [112] |
DNA topoisomerase (topo) II alpha | Enzyme that is essential for cell proliferation that segregates chromosome pairs during chromosome condensation | Degradation in a MPN dependent manner under glucose starvation | Decreased cell proliferation under stress conditions such as glucose starvation | [113] |
Endothelin type A and B receptors | G protein-coupled receptors whose overexpression is correlated with chronic heart failure and in infiltrating cells of atherosclerotic lesions | Ubiquitination and degradation | Decreased Endothelin-1 induced intracellular signaling through ERK1/2 | [114] |
Proteins affected by Jab1/CSN5 | ||||
c-Jun | Member of the AP-1 transcription factor family | Transcriptional co-activator and specificity factor | Increased transcriptional activity and cellular proliferation | [1] |
Myc | Oncogenic transcription factor | Promotes transcription of MYC target genes and induces MYC ubiquitination and turnover | Activates a wound signature and induced cell proliferation and invasion in breast cancer cells | [10] |
HIF-1α | Hypoxia inducible factor α | Competes with p53 for binding, stabilizes protein HIF-1α levels | Increased expression of VEGF and angiogenesis | [9,115] |
HAND2 | Transcription factor important for development of the heart, limbs, and neural crest-derived lineages | Enhances HAND2 DNA binding | Tissue-specific transcription | [50] |
53BP1 | P53 binding protein, cellular response to stress conditions | Hyperphosphorylation under stress conditions | Activation of mitotic checkpoint mechanism | [48] |
Smad 5 | Receptor associated Smad protein, positive regulator of TGFß signaling | Inhibits bone morphogenetic signaling | Affect matrix turnover | [116] |
Brn-2 | POU transcription factor, development of neocortex and neural cell lineage | Increases Brn-2 transcriptional activity | Neuronal development and neurodegenerative diseases | [49] |
Bcl-3 | Member of Iκ-B family, proto-oncogene, can activate or inhibit NF-κB transcription | Bridges binding between Jab1/CSN5 and NF-κB | Link NF-κB and AP-1 gene activation | [47] |
E2F-1 | Transcription factor important for cell cycle progression, DNA damage repair, apoptosis | Cofactor for E2F-1 dependent apoptosis, but not cell cycle entry | Enhances E2F-1 mediated apoptosis | [22] |
PR, SRC-1 | Progesterone receptor, steroid receptor coactivator | Stabilized PR-SRC-1 complexes | Increased transcriptional activity | [37] |
SMYD3 | A histone methyltransferase | Suppressed transcription of the tumor suppressor p16 | Negative regulation of p16 and possible increased in hematopoietic progenitors | [86] |
Cullin | Subunit of SCF ubiquitin ligases | Cleavage of NEDD8 from Cul1 | Required for optimal SCF ubiquitin ligase activity | [4] |
PAR-2 | G protein-coupled receptor for trypsin and tryptase | Increased PAR-2 transcription | Increased AP-1 activation | [117] |
MDM2 | Mediates p53 degradation | Reduces MDM2 self-ubiquitination | Negative regulation of p53 | [108] |
TRAF-2 | TNFR-associated factor 2, mediator of TNFα prosurvival response | Ubiquitination of TRAF-2 | Necessary for TNF-α prosurvival signaling and MMP production | [118] |
Rad51 | DNA repair protein involved in homologous recombination | Increases expression through negative regulation of p53 | Increased ability of cell to repair DNA | [71] |
FcαRI/CD89 | Receptor for IgA expressed on myeloid cells and involved in phagocytosis, Ab-dependent cellular cytotoxicity, antigen presentation, and cytokine release | Binds directly to the intracellular domain and is involved in regulating stabilization of surface expression | Decreased expression of FcαR1 and possible defective antigen recognition response | [119] |
5-HT(6)R | Serotonin receptor involved in the control of mood and emotion as well as involved in neurological disorders | Reduced Jab1/CSN5 expression decreases expression and activity | Reduced signaling through 5-HT(6)R, increased c-Jun activity and enhanced cell survival under hypoxia | [120] |
Abbreviations: 5-HT(6)R, serotonin 6 receptor; AP-1, activator protein ; Bcl-3, B-cell lymphoma 3-encoded protein; ERα, estrogen receptor α; FcαRI, FCalphaRI; HAND2, heart- and neural crest derivatives-expressed protein 2; HIF-1α, hypoxia inducible factor α; LHR, lutropin/choriogonadotropin receptor; MIF, macrophage migration inhibitory factor; MDM2, murine double minute; NEDD8, neural precursor cell-expressed developmentally down-regulated; NF-kB, nuclear factor kappa-light-chain-enhancer of activated B cells; 53BP-1, p53 binding protein 1; PAR-2, abnormal embryonic PARtitioning of cytoplasm 2; PR, Progesterone receptor; SCF, Skp1-Cullin-F-box; SRC-1, steroid receptor coactivator 1; TRAF-2, TNF receptor-associated factor 2; VEGF, vascular endothelial growth factor